Expert advice
9 Proven Ways To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

9 Proven Ways To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

And 1 really good reason why ignoring it is no longer an option

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Leptin and Leptin Resistance: Everything You Need to Know

Leptin and Leptin Resistance: Everything You Need to Know

Many people falsely believe that weight gain (and loss) is all about calories and willpower.

However, modern obesity research disagrees… and scientists are increasingly pointing their fingers at a hormone called leptin.

Being resistant to this hormone’s effects (called leptin resistance) is now believed to be the leading driver of fat gain in humans.

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7 Reasons to Get Prebiotics in Your Diet — Plus Best Sources

7 Reasons to Get Prebiotics in Your Diet — Plus Best Sources

Most people are aware by now that foods that offer dietary fiber and probiotics have a long list of health benefits, but nonetheless prebiotic foods are still mostly underappreciated. By in large, Americans don’t consume enough prebiotics every day — and, sadly, the result can aggravate indigestion, higher levels of inflammation, lower immune function, higher likelihood of weight gain and a raised risk for various chronic diseases.

While probiotic foods are essential for gut health and overall well-being, prebiotics help “feed” probiotics. By pairing them them together, you can achieve an even better result.

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Ten secrets of slenderness known only to French ladies

Ten secrets of slenderness known only to French ladies

Tourists often wonder how French women manage to stay slim and elegant while eating chocolate with huge amounts of cheese and washing it all down with wine. It’s all the more surprising due to the fact that they are not obsessed with diets or exhausting training sessions in the gym. Their secret is in their attitude to food that is fostered in them from childhood.

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15 Best Foods For The Brain

15 Best Foods For The Brain

What does the food you eat have to do with how your brain functions? Turns out an awful lot. While we’ve always known that what we eat affects our bodies and how we look, scientists are also learning more and more that what we eat takes a toll on our brains. Yes, brain foods matter (especially for our gray matter).

See, our bodies don’t like stress. Who does? When we’re stressed out — whether it’s physical, like someone jumps out at you from a dark alley, or mental, like you have a major project due at work — our bodies release inflammatory cytokines.

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10 Secrets Of Successful People

10 Secrets Of Successful People

To celebrate the release of my latest novel, Secrets of Successful People, I compiled these 10 success secrets from dialog in the book. In the novel, Kelly Ryan is a working mom who craves success and will do just about anything to get it—only she’s not quite sure what to do next. She enlists two mentors, Earnest and Zora, to guide her. Here is their advice, plus a key piece of advice from Kelly’s friend Jasmine.

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From foot-tapping and gum popping to obnoxious laughs and pen clicking, everyone has their own set of pet peeves—personal trainers included. But unlike the guy in the office who hates how you clear your throat, their gripes are worth listening to.

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